Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Here we go!

Olivia Ruth Bickel--get ready!

Many of you may know that we received a referral for Olivia Ruth, our 5 year old little girl, on August 9, 2013.  Since then, God has sped things up drastically.  We are heading out tomorrow, Wed, 11/20/2013, to bring her home.  We have been so humbled and touched by all the support and love that has been pouring out on us here recently and would love to tell you again how grateful we are!  From friends helping me decorate Elise and Olivia’s  room to organizing meals when we return, but the most touching has been all the prayer support we have received from our church and friends.  God has “moved mountains” to get us to China before the unexpected closure of the consulate on Dec. 5!  We received the call one week ago today to let us know that we have been approved to go and have a consulate appointment on Dec. 2.  We had all of our friends praying that we could bring Olivia home before Dec. 5 and He answered that prayer with a resounding YES!! 

Excited for a new sister!

God has provided for our family in such amazing ways throughout this adoption and it has been really amazing to watch His plan unfold.  He has provided in all ways: from the finances to the perfect timing for the kids school, so that they are not missing as much as we thought!  Then an added bonus is that we are blessed to visit our friend who lives in Beijing and encourage her.  God is so good!!  He has even taken care of the smallest needs from selling our GA/KY tickets that we bought months ago b/c it was on Bryce’s birthday (had to scramble for another present idea…) to providing, through a friend, an “ergo” carrier!  God’s hand has miraculously been intertwined in this whole adoption. 

So now the real story begins….  We meet our precious girl, Olivia, Monday, Nov. 25 and we bring her home on Dec 4!!  Here are some prayer needs:  safe travel, health of everyone, Olivia's heart to be comforted during this transition (God to give her peace, strength, comfort), smooth transition for all family, Benjamin specifically to have God continue his healing process and strengthen his bond with the family and to rise to the occasion as an older brother, wisdom for parenting and to support Olivia as well as Bryce, Elise and Benjamin in any way that they need, all processes to go smoothly (no bags lost, paperwork, appointments, etc.)  =).  Thanks and we will keep you posted on our adventure…

1 comment:

  1. We are rejoicing with you! And praying for God's sovereignty in all the details!!!
